Literatura Salvadoreña Wiki

His real name is Guadalupe Nico Lobo. He was born in 1952, is a painter, writer and composer. He has extensively exposed his pictorial work in America and Europe. As for his books, he has mainly penetrated prose, publishing articles in the main newspapers of the country, and one or another literary work, especially, motivational. It is also part of the Spanish curriculum at Brookwood High Schools.


  • Leyenda del otro lado de la piel, (1979)
  • Si la muerte nos dejara otra primavera, (1980)
  • Sentimientos, (1982)
  • Los vinos del tiempo, (1982)
  • La isla de la alondra, (1983)
  • Río y voz, (1983)
  • Pastor de ovejas perdidas (1989)
  • La esfinge desnuda, (2008)
  • Sueño de las palabras, (2008)